Another Into The Woods Review

Another great review has popped up on the net for the Into The Woods anthology, this time from Comic Book Grrrl, a freelance writer and self-proclaimed comic book geek.

In the review she says some lovely things about The Madness From The Sea, the story I did with artist Lee Grice, which you can read below. Or you can read the entire review over on her blog here which she has illustrated with one of my favourite panels from the story (see right).

"In an effort to avoid spoilers I will mention only briefly my favourite stories. A Time For A Change, written by Ollie Masters with art by Valia Kapadai, is a lovely gentle story that contrasts nicely with some of the darker tales within the anthology, yet still has some rather grotesque imagery that segues nicely with the overall flow. The Madness From The Sea, written by Scott Harrison with art by Lee Grice, has a wonderfully Lovecraftian feel and an excellent line technique that reflects the wild weather and storyline."


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