Nothing kills a writing project quite so quickly and so certainly as procrastination. Procrastinate long enough and you lose momentum, you lose enthusiasm and - perhaps most lethal of all – you start losing faith in the idea of it. You start to forget why the writing of the thing mattered so much to you in the first place, and you begin to question whether its really any good, worth carrying on with. It's odd, but most writers find themselves daunted by the act of sitting down in front of a laptop or pen and paper (whichever is your preferred method) and trying to make sense of the things that have been bubbling away in their heads. Writing can be an exciting job sometimes, don't misunderstand me, but it's those moments when you're trying to catch a hold of those stories that are running loose inside your head and try to pin them down coherently onto a blank page that can be terrifying. There are times when they lose all sense of logic or meaning in the transition...