The Snows of Terror (part I)
Nothing keeps you indoors and writing like a good fall of snow.
OK, it's not as bad as the two foot or more that shut the whole country down for several weeks over Christmas, but it was snowing pretty much none-stop all day yesterday. We took a break from sitting curled up in front of a roaring fire and working our way through series 3 of The Avengers, Classic Star Trek and the complete Superman movie series to pop out for, what turned out to be, an hour and a half walk down nearby country lanes in the falling snow. There was not a soul around, except for a field full of sheep. It was wonderful. Very peaceful.
This morning the snow was still around. It had frozen overnight and it took nearly 15 mins for the two of us to get the snow and ice scraped off and cleared from my fiancée's car. I saw her off to work then tottered to the local shop for my daily fix of Diet Coke, before sitting down to write.
It's a little frightening as we have to keep a close eye on the weather at certain times of the year. A bad fall of snow can cut the village off from the outside world for several days. The roads pretty much depend on the frequency of the snow ploughs and the gritter lorries. On New Years Day, while out visiting relatives, we had to abandon the car a couple of miles from our village and walk home. Luckily the weather was so bad there was no traffic down the pitch-black country lane we had to walk. a short story to crack on with. Even though the deadline isn't until the end of next month I want to finish the first draft by the end of the week, plus I have an article for the next issue of Hub magazine to start. Time for digital extraction from none specified orifice.
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